Monday, July 25, 2011

Journal Article #4; One Size Never Fits All (NETS 2)

Courduff, J. (2011). One size never fits all. learning & Leading With Technology, 38(8), Retrieved from

Jennifer Courduff is an inspirational Educational Technology Teacher in Southern California. This article focused on the use of technology with special needs students as well as the training of teachers to use devices like fusion writers, speech to text, electronic portfolio's and headset microphones.   She suggested three years of training for the teachers would be sufficient.  Since then she has switched to a three tiered training program.  Tier 1: teachers participate in hands on workshops to learn how to use the tools.  Tier 2: Training in the development of electronic portfolio's and student led conferences.  Tier 3: Face to face support and collaboration for the teachers.  
Question 1:  What types of technology do I utilize for my special needs students?  I have used electronic portfolio's for quite a few years. I was introduced to it  after taking a class on differentiated instruction.  It was originally in effort to help an Autistic student share more easily at student led conferences.  It also helped my students take ownership with their IEP goals.  Speech to text opened doors for students who had never imagined they could be writers!  I was much more hesitant to use that particular tool than they were.  
Question 2:Is it that special educations are not given the tools and training to use such technological devises in the classroom or do they not want to bother?  
In my case, it was the lack of training and knowledge about the possibilities of using technology with my students.  I had to find the classes and the training myself, but once I was comfortable using the tools and learned ways to adapt them in my classroom, I was on board.  Using Electronic portfolio's and text to speech changed my students' capabilities!   I do think there is a lot more devices and tools out there that special educators could be using.  I hope it's not left up to the teacher to find them and get the necessary training.

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