McClintock, S. (2011). Student voices for change.Learning & Leading With Technology, 38(11), Retrieved from
Very inspiring article about the Van Meter Community School District in Iowa. Every student grade 6-12 were issued a laptop. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is! This is the sort of thing I've only heard private schools doing. One thing the article did not explain is where the funding came from for this. A few of these student went to speak at the Iowa House and Senate Appropriations Committee. Where they shared their passion for learning and incredible technological advancement in education. I loved when the author said, "I was part of something very special and that our young people were ready to have a voice and be the leaders who are transforming education." This is so true our students should be leading us through their passions,interests, and skills. I want to be a great facilitator as well as an educator.
Question 1: How can we inspire our students through technology?
Kids are already so in tuned with all the possibilities technology has to offer. Most students know who to navigate around Twitter, Face book, Photo shop, applications, etc. I think educators can take more of a "Facilitator" role in this arena. Give them a topic or task and let them be creative! We are not letting our students create and grow to their full potential when it comes to technology. My two year old knows how to work my IPhone. Imagine what a middle school student is capable of!
Question 2: How do we make technological tools available to our students? In reflecting on the article, it's hard to believe we have to bring students and teachers before Congress to plead for the funds to supply students with lap tops. Our country needs to re-evaluate the education of our future leaders! Why haven't the schools updated their methods? Why aren't more business getting involved and pouring back into their communities and future job pools?
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